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Located In Flower Mound, Texas
Serving The Entire Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

Legal Remedies For Discrimination And Harassment In The Workplace — Or Allegations

Employers and employees alike sometimes need advice and representation in cases of alleged discrimination or harassment. Companies and individuals on either side of the equation are invited to contact Brown Law Office in Flower Mound, Texas, serving the entire Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and beyond.

Guidance For Employers

Attorney Betty L. Brown offers counsel to employers who have received complaints of harassment on the basis of sex, race, national origin, age, religion or disability. Such employers often require guidance upon receipt of such complaints to correctly answer and take action on questions such as:

  • What immediate steps should they take to investigate the complaints (within 24 to 48 hours)?
  • What remedial actions can — and should — they take to correct workplace environment factors that led to the complaints? (For example, what is a reasonable way to separate the employees involved without risking accusations of retaliation by moving the individuals making the complaints to other departments)?
  • How can the employer avoid accusations of retaliatory discharge or violation of whistleblower rights of the employees who lodged the complaints?
  • What types of discipline against harassers is appropriate and sufficient to demonstrate good faith efforts to remedy hostile workplace environments?

Employment law attorney Betty L. Brown can represent employers in administrative hearings and lawsuits stemming from claims of harassment and discrimination.

Workplace Policies And Employee Manuals

Brown Law Office can assist employers in the process of devising and implementing anti-harassment policies, compiling employee manuals and writing employment contracts.

Counsel For Employees

Workers who have experienced discrimination or harassment often request legal advice as they prepare to make complaints to employers or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). If you have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination on job in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on the basis of your race, religion or other covered characteristics, contact employment law attorney Betty L. Brown in Flower Mound. With nearly 20 years of experience advocating for employees with hostile workplace environment issues, she can inform you on how to protect your rights and how to take effective remedies if you have been affected by illegal activities on the job.

Talk To A Texas Lawyer About Workplace Harassment And Discrimination

Schedule a consultation with attorney Betty L. Brown by calling 972-355-0092 or sending a message through this website.